Image Denoising – Introduction
This application (DMI) helps you remove disturbing digital noise from your photos.
DenoiseMyImage is highly optimized. Besides an optimized algorithm, we used SSE, SSE2 instructions, multithreading, and HW acceleration (computing on the graphics card – GPGPU) for better performance.
The application supports up to 16 cores on CPU, and following list of graphics cards for acceleration:
ATI HD 4xxx, 5xxx, AMD HD 6xxx, 7xxx, 8xxx and later
NVIDIA GTX 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, 6xx and later
Image Denoising – Test
Both denoising tests were designed and processed by Dr. Eugene van Rooyen, expert in optics and opto-electronics with 50 years of research experiences.
Test object
Test description: The first vector image was drawn Coreldraw X4. Afterward, the target was printed out and captured by Canon G6 with ISO 400 (the second image). The result was achieved denoising with DMI v2.2 (the third image) with a given setting (the fourth image).
Common photo
Original image Denoised by NeatImage Denoised by NoiseWare Denoised by DMI v2.2
Test description: This test was processed by Dr. Eugene van Rooyen, as well. Canon G6 captured the image with ISO 400 (the first image). The next three images were achieved using three different denoising programs. Settings of all applications were tuned to get the best result.
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